In order to respond to the environmental, societal and ethical issues that have become essential in our society, ARDPI is committed to a process of Social and Environmental Responsibility.
Seen as a guarantee of progress and sustainability, it is seen as the key to shared growth, profitable for the company, its employees, partners and civil society in general.
Environmental policy
Building a lasting legacy for future generations. In a logic of continuous improvement, ARDPI pursues a voluntarist environmental policy. Anxious to position itself as an eco-responsible player.
Limiting consumables
Nous limitons le papier, les cartouches d’encre, les toners avec une utilisation modérée. Mise en place par défaut d’une impression automatique en recto-verso, choix préférentiel des documents dé-matérialisés. Gestion des consommations d’eau en s’équipant d’économiseurs d’eau.
Managing and recycling waste
Réutiliser le recto des feuilles en brouillon et tri des déchets de fonctionnement (papier, carton, plastique, verre, piles, cartouches d’imprimante). Le groupe ARDPI applique sa politique de collecte et de traitement des déchets à tous les niveaux au sein de la société. Ainsi, des corbeilles dédiées au papier sont à la disposition des employés, les détritus relatifs aux équipements communs (machine à café, etc.) sont récupérés, les consommables informatiques usagés sont collectés et triés.
Reducing energy costs
Nous adoptons une attitude responsable de régulation des températures (automatique ou manuelle) et veillons à l’extinction de l’éclairage en dehors des heures de présence ainsi que d’éteindre les ordinateurs.
Integrating the ecological dimension
Nous veillons dans tout investissement ou renouvellement de matériel à favoriser le matériel bureautique éco-labellisé. Nous avons aussi procédé à l’achat de contenants en verre pour les collaborateurs, afin d’aller chercher la nourriture du repas, des tasses en verres pour les clients ainsi que des cuillères en inox pour supprimer les agitateurs plastiques. Par ailleurs, nous préférons que les différents départements mutualisent leurs commandes et envois lorsque cela est possible.
Reducing travel and promoting green modes
Le groupe ARDPI est engagé dans une démarche de minimisation des déplacements, notamment grâce à la visioconférence et à la web conférence. Lorsqu’il est nécessaire, les collaborateurs de la société se déplacent chez nos clients et partenaires pour ne pas altérer la qualité de la prestation. Par ailleurs, le covoiturage ainsi que les modes de transport comme le vélo sont valorisés et commencent à se développer.
Awareness-raising among employees
ARDPI's CSR approach has been designed to be developed in a collective and collaborative manner. It therefore involves all the company's employees at their respective levels.
Social and societal policy
The principles of social and ethical responsibility guide ARDPI in its management of human resources and its actions towards its employees. These commitments are reflected in a proactive policy composed of four components.
Employee welfare commitments
ARDPI strives, through its organisation, its management model and the benefits it offers, to contribute to the development of its employees. Thus each employee is supported individually in his or her career within ARDPI. By favouring dialogue and common understanding.
Wellness Committee
Our Wellness Committee regularly proposes outings, meals and good plans to promote cohesion within the company. Listening to their colleagues, it is a driving force to always improve the work. Every year, a seminar is organized, during one day the employees share laughter, sports efforts and good times.
Employee benefits and services
A group mutual insurance company paid 100% by the employer. A 9€ luncheon voucher (5.40€) paid for by the employer. Finally, bonuses have been set up to share the benefits with the business generators, our employees. Thus, each year, our employees receive a profit-sharing bonus, and because tomorrow is being prepared today, they each have a company savings plan. Finally, to ensure well-being within the company, requests for teleworking are considered on a case-by-case basis, with the company encouraging the approach.
Preservation of employability
We do not offer a pre-designed route. To enable employees to evolve and adapt to changes in their professional life, we use several levers: career-long interviews, personalized support, training and experience sharing.
Ethics Policy
The United Nations Global Compact calls on businesses to adopt, support and implement within their sphere of influence a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour and environmental standards and anti-corruption.
ARDPI thus places the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact at the heart of its social and societal actions.
Human rights
- Businesses should promote and respect the protection of international human rights law.
- To ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
International Labour Standards
- Companies are called upon to respect freedom of association and to recognise the right to collective bargaining.
- To contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.
- To contribute to the effective abolition of child labour.
- To contribute to the elimination of all discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
- Businesses are encouraged to apply the precautionary approach to environmental problems.
- To take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
- To promote the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
Fight against corruption
- Businesses are encouraged to act against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.